About The Bahamas Mangrove Alliance​

The Bahamas Mangrove Alliance (BMA) was co-founded on Earth Day 2023 by Bonefish & Tarpon Trust, Perry Institute for Marine Science, and Waterkeepers Bahamas to support mangrove restoration following Hurricane Dorian in 2019. To promote mangrove conservation and restoration in the Bahamas, the alliance pursues objectives by scaling mangrove science and restoration nationwide and advocating for mangrove conservation through education and strategic outreach. The BMA has pledged to plant one million mangroves by the end of 2025 and comprises of NGOs, community leaders, civil society, sustainably-minded businesses, and other stakeholders.

BMA Members' Commitment

In partnership with all BMA members, the founding partners will oversee science deliverables, including monitoring and evaluating mangrove restoration efforts, including assessing progress, effectiveness, and impact, using standardized methodologies and indicators; lead communications to enhance public awareness and engagement in mangrove restoration initiatives; and convene the Northern Bahamas Mangrove Restoration Project (NBMRP) Secretariat to facilitate coordination and collaboration among stakeholders through committee meetings.

Founding Members
bonefish & tarpon trust

Bonefish & Tarpon Trust

(BTT) Through science-based approaches, BTT’s objective is to protect and enhance critical flats habitats, reverse the decline of flats species, and use research findings to influence policy, educate the fishing community and improve resource management for long-term stewardship. BTT has many ongoing and completed research projects and initiatives that have achieved significant results in our efforts to learn about, protect and restore bonefish, tarpon and permit fisheries and habitats.

Perry Institute for Marine Science

Perry Institute for Marine Science

For over 50 years, PIMS has been at the forefront of marine research and conservation. Our mission is clear: leading through science, we innovate solutions, create opportunities, and inspire action to protect and restore ocean life for people and the planet. From our beginnings as the most productive marine lab and field station in the world on Lee Stocking Island, we've evolved into a global, program-based non-profit. We tackle critical issues related to coral reef restoration, fisheries conservation, and the protection of mangrove and coastal ecosystems, empowering communities with the knowledge and tools to make lasting impacts.

Waterkeepers Bahamas

Waterkeepers Bahamas

Waterkeepers Bahamas, a regional entity with the global advocacy group Waterkeeper Alliance, has been involved in citizen science projects involving youth and community volunteers since its inception. It is a Bahamas-registered non-profit that has implemented beach safety and water monitoring programs and a cadet program for high school students to immerse deeply into the field of science and conservation. Along with more than 220 Waterkeeper organizations worldwide, all working together to focus citizen action on issues that affect our waterways, from pollution to climate change, Waterkeepers Bahamas continues to advocate for the Bahamian waterways.

Affiliate Members
friends of the environment

FRIENDS of the Environment

Friends of the Environment (FRIENDS) is a Bahamian non-profit organization based in Abaco, The Bahamas with a mission to preserve Abaco’s environment through education, conservation, and research facilitation. Established in 1988, FRIENDS’ vision is to see Abaco as an island community that is living sustainably and proud to be stewards of our rich biodiversity. Believing that behavior change plays an important role in conservation, FRIENDS places a large focus on environmental education, and has reached over 27,000 students since our formal education program began in 2006. FRIENDS has led numerous community conservation projects leading to conservation impacts including restoration of 180 acres of mangrove wetland, removal of 10,000 invasive lionfish from our waters, and implementation of the Size Matters Campaign which led to successful adoption of sustainable fishing practices in the spiny lobster fishery. FRIENDS has been instrumental in partnerships leading to designation of five protected areas in Abaco and participates in continued efforts to support management, conservation, and awareness in those areas.

cape eleuthera institute

Cape Eleuthera Institute

The Cape Eleuthera Institute (CEI) is a dedicated center for research and innovation in South Eleuthera, The Bahamas. CEI is a hub for environmental and conservation research, where scientists, engineers, educators, and students work alongside one another to conduct meaningful research that addresses the most pressing environmental issues facing our oceans and island habitats. At CEI, we promote the conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems by facilitating the research of resident and visiting scientists, supporting the education of students at all levels, and spurring outreach efforts to enhance the environmental awareness of local and global communities.

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